You’re always more than welcome if you wish to join one of our practice sessions! But first grab your phone and give us a call, or just use the email below to confirm practice will be on.
Whatever your question is, email us at info (at) revos (dot) fr and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
People in charge of the club:
Emmanuel(president), Vincent (treasurer), or Pauline (secretary) : info (at) revos (dot) fr
Mailing-List :
If you wish to stay tuned with our club at any time, there’s no better way than to subscribe to our mailing list by clicking the following link: https://groups.google.com/a/revos.fr/forum/#!forum/team
You need to signin with a gmail account OR create a new account (you can use your own email address).
TO UNSUBSCRIBE, send a mail to team+unsubscribe@revos.fr and confirm that you want to unsubscribe by clicking on link in the answer.
Championnet Sport
- Website : http://www.championnet-sports.org/
- Email : championnet-sports@wanadoo.fr
- Address :
14, rue Georgette Agutte
75018 PARIS
- Phone : (+33) 1 42 29 84 79 / (+33) 1 42 29 84 80